Flap, the next one: invoice management

Candis for movie industry

Whether in front of or behind the scenes, every detail counts in the film industry. Accounting is no exception. On the contrary! Numerous projects with different actors at different locations? This requires coordination and flexibility in order to be adequately prepared for every eventuality. Candis can do that. Whether approvals directly on set, individual workflows or cross-team control - we ensure precisely coordinated financial processes without time-consuming correction loops. From the first take to the last scene.

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Diese Produktionsfirmen vertrauen auf Candis

Specify artists' social security fund in Candis
We are rewriting the script

Straight to the point - with the Künstlersozialkasse

Working with creative freelancers is always exciting - until their invoices arrive. Then things can get pretty tedious. Keyword: Artists' Social Security Fund (KSK). It doesn't have to be that way. With Candis, you can cut out the manual entry and enter the KSK details directly on the receipt. Time-saving and reliable.

  • Reach your goal faster: enter the details once and automate the rest.

  • Simply always correct: Avoid errors when transferring to Sesamsoft.

  • Save time: Reduce the administrative effort for your projects.